The Auxiliary of The William Breman Jewish Home

Auxiliary Non-Chanukah Donation

Let us take something off of your plate....It is with great pleasure, we invite you NOT to attend a Chanukah celebration.

At this this joyous time, as we light candles, eat latkes and play dreidel with family. We invite you to enjoy all of this and NOT attend an event. Rather, support The Auxiliary in the true spirit of Chanukah by making a tax-deductible donation. 

Your gift will benefit The Home's residents - and holidays will be more meaningful for all. 

NOTE:  If you gift a membership please include the recipients name and phone in the comments section below. 

Thank you for supporting this "NOT attend" Chanukah celebration by making a donation below. 


Create Your "NOT Attend" Chanukah Donation
$ 36.00
$ 45.00
$ 54.00
$ 72.00
$ 108.00
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